We are happy to share with all of you – our beloved network and followers that UPP! has been chosen by the jury to be one of the three finalists for the NHN BUSINESS AWARDS 2022 (North Holland region) under Thema Award: Energietransitie.
We are happy to share with all of you – our beloved network and followers that UPP! has been chosen by the jury to be one of the three finalists for the NHN BUSINESS AWARDS 2022 (North Holland region) under Thema Award: Energietransitie.
Wanneer het gaat over plastic recycling hebben we nog een lange weg te gaan. In deze aflevering zoomen we in op de huidige verpakkingsindustrie. Waarom zijn zoveel verpakkingen slecht te recyclen en waarom wordt dit anno 2022 nog steeds zo op de markt gebracht? Dit zou in de toekomst anders moeten, toch? We gaan in gesprek met Jan Jaap van Upp! UpCycling Plastics.
The Sustainability and Manufacturing Big Score sessions took place at the Workero by P&G InQbet campus in partnership with Ab InBev on the 31st of March 2022. The event was organised by Startups.be | Scale-ups.eu.
This article is written by Alvara, Workero.
De pilotinstallaties van Impact Recycling en Uppact zijn gearriveerd in de Eemshaven. De installaties verwerken visnetten en ander maritiem kunststof afval van verwerker Beck & verburg tot polypropyleen, polyethyleen en gemengde halffabricaten.
Bron: Groningen Seaports Read More
De groeiende plasticvervuiling is een van de grootste milieuproblemen in de wereld. Omdat recyclen van plastic ingewikkeld en duur is, gebeurt dat nog te weinig. De Nederlandse startup Upp! heeft een revolutionaire oplossing gevonden die binnenkort wordt toegepast in proeffabrieken in Nederland en Indonesië.
The Impact Program of TEDx Amsterdam is a great opportunity to bring forth prototypes of solutions regarding real-world problems. Read More
As a partner of ReCirc Singapore, Upp! was giving pitches and workshops on Circular Plastic during “The Netherlands Virtual Circular Economy Study Visit 2021”, together with 11 other technology partners and knowledge institutions active in the Circular Economy in The Netherlands.
Our project – UPPACT is chosen by the public to be the most beloved initiative amongst the finalists of the Nothern Enlightenmentz 2021 Awards.
More than 18 months it took to get the Surabaya Project started! Partners found, funding found and plenty of waste found, so now we can start the project to set up, build and operate the very first Upp Circular Plastic Factory in Sidoarjo, near Surabaya, Indonesia.